Types of double-glazed windows

Today, types of double-glazed windows are used in buildings with various uses. Factors such as population growth in megacities, expansion of urbanization, increase in consumption of fossil fuels and reduction in their reserves have caused measures to be considered in building construction to reduce energy loss and control noise pollution, one of which is the […]

The difference between aluminum and UPVC windows

Knowing the difference between aluminum and UPVC windows is of great importance for people who want to have the efficiency and modernity of the window together. The reason for all these discussions and different opinions about the difference between aluminum and UPVC windows is due to the material used in their construction and other differences. […]

Methods of cleaning window glass

روش های تمیز کردن شیشه پنجره

Cleaning the window glass and various domestic and chemical methods is the topic of today’s window preparation article. The cleanliness of the living environment gives people a good feeling, while its dirt creates mental confusion. One of the most important aspects of home cleaning is cleaning its windows. The window is the way for light, […]

Thermal break window

نافذة الاستراحة الحرارية

The thermal break window is one of the latest achievements of the aluminum industry. As you know, aluminum is a conductive metal, so aluminum windows transfer heat. To solve this problem, thermal break profile is used in the construction of aluminum doors and windows. The literal meaning of thermal break is thermal break […]

The difference between UPVC and PVC double-glazed windows

تفاوت پنجره دوجداره UPVC و PVC

The difference between UPVC and PVC double-glazed windows is the topic of our article today. In recent years, double-glazed windows are often used for new buildings. These windows are made of various materials, but UPVC and PVC profiles are more common than other materials used. These two look similar at first glance, and on the […]

Types of safety glasses

انواع شیشه های ایمنی

Safety glass and its types are the subject of today’s article; Stay with us. As you know, the technology of making and producing windows has progressed a lot. On the other hand, today, glasses have been produced that have more strength and quality and are used in various places, which are called safety glass. These […]

Double-glazed window fittings

Window fittings are an important and essential part of a window fitting that can be used in any way. There are many types of machine tools available in a variety of markets in this country, and there are people who have a variety of tools, including carbide, carbide, and wire, to choose from. […]

What is upvc?

upvc چیست ، عنوان مقاله امروز شرکت مهیا پنجره است که در این مطلب با پروفیل یو پی وی سی به طور کامل آشنا خواهید شد. What is upvc? Light weight, flexibility, non-flammability, insulation against heat and electricity, resistance to chemical and biological substances, the ability to transform into smooth surfaces, the […]



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