Three-mode upvc windows

The third opening mode is called Microventilation mode and it provides you with a very suitable ventilation with minimum energy loss. The way it works is that by moving the handle 45 degrees, the lever moves 5 to 8 mm from the top of the frame and the difference in air pressure inside and outside the building causes a slow but effective air change in the Microventilation mode.

Three-mode upvc windows

The three-mode upvc windows have the third opening mode of Microventilation mode and provide you with the possibility of very suitable ventilation with minimal energy loss.

The way it works is that by moving the handle 45 degrees, the lever moves 5 to 8 mm from the top of the frame and the difference in air pressure inside and outside the building causes a slow but effective air change in the Microventilation mode.

Another advantage of this system is the lack of cost difference compared to the normal type. This type of upvc windows is the best suggestion for a safe, secure and efficient ventilation for the space, which also prevents indoor air condensation.


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