French upvc window
The French upvc window, like the opening double-hung window, this double-hung window also has a mullion, but with the difference that it is movable and when one of the sashes is opened, the mullion will also open with it.
In a French window or door, only one of the sashes has a handle. The French opening mechanism is such that one of the latches is opened using a handle and the other latch (without a handle) is opened using an internal latch. In the figure below, we can see the difference in the structure of the double-opening profile and the French profile.
The upvc French window is one of the types of double-glazed windows, which is considered one of the most beautiful and best windows and is one of the most popular windows in the market.
Opening windows have been used in building construction since ancient times, but today, with the advancement of technology, advanced materials are used to make opening windows. One of the most successful and popular types of windows is the upvc French window, which is widely used in construction, and this type of window is widely used.
Very good insulation and excellent material are the reasons for the popularity of these windows. The upvc French window mechanism is designed so that it does not require a lot of space to open and close and can be installed for all spaces.
Light passes through this window easily and directs the right light to the interior of the building. French windows are also known as tall windows because they have large doors and a good view outside.
Based on the type of hinge considered for the upvc French window and based on the available space in the building, it is opened and closed either to the outside or to the inside of the building.
The frame of the upvc French window is designed and manufactured with quality to increase the security for this window to an acceptable level. If quality fittings and tools are used for this window, a lot of security can be seen in this window.
The beauty and versatility of the upvc French window has made this type of window to be used in various interior spaces of buildings. The upvc french window gives a lot of outside view to the people inside the house, even when the window is closed.
When the upvc French window and door are opened, there is no column in the middle of the windows, that’s why to order the pleated net, the size of two slats is used and one net is placed. If the width of the two panels is large, a double-sided net should be used.
Use cases of upvc french window
French doors are used in cases where a wide opening is needed. For example, if a width of 120 cm is needed for opening, a French door should be used, such as the doors facing the balcony in villas or large apartments.
If we consider this door as a single hinge, over time, due to the heavy weight of the glass and standard hinges, it will cause the opening hinge to fall.
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